時間:2020-04-13 14:45:10 作者:珠海市宇揚翻譯咨詢服務有限公司
我與父親不相見已二年余了,我最不能忘記的是他的背影。 那年冬天,祖母死了,父親的差使也交卸了,正是禍不單行的日子。我從北京到徐州,打算跟著父親奔喪回家。到徐州見著父親,看見滿院狼藉的東西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼淚。父親說:“事已如此,不必難過,好在天無絕人之路!” |
It is more than two years since I last saw father, and what I can never forget is the sight of his back. Misfortunes never come singly. In the winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma’s funeral. When I met father in Xuzhou, the sight of the disorderly mess in his courtyard and the thought of grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. Father said, “Now that things’ve come to such a pass, it’s no use crying. Fortunately, Heaven always leaves one a way out.”
(張培基 譯)
Though it is over two years since I saw my father, I can never forget my last view of his back. That winter my grandmother died, and my father’s official appointment was terminated, for troubles never come singly. I went from Beijing to Xuzhou to go back with him for the funeral. When I joined him in Xuzhou I found the courtyard strewn with things and could not help shedding tears at the thought of granny. “What’s past is gone,”said my father. “It’s no use grieving. Heaven always leaves us some way out.”
(楊憲益、戴乃迭 譯)
It has been more than two years since the last time I saw my father, and the memory that has stayed with me the longest is the silhouette of his back. It was during the winter of that year; Grandmother had just died, and Father’s temporary appointment with the government had been terminated. Truly those were days when “calamities never come in ones”. I traveled from Beijing to Xuzhou, planning to return home with my father for the funeral. When I reached Xuzhou I met my father, and I noticed that his garden was in complete disarray. I thought again of Grandmother and was unable to hold back the flow of tears. Father said. “ Things are as they are, you shouldn’t be sad, for happily there is nothing under Heaven that is hopeless.”
(Howard Goldblatt 譯)
珠海翻譯/宇揚翻譯/珠海同聲傳譯 - 清明詩詞 賞析